DIY Manuka Honey Face Mask Recipes To Blast Acne and Wrinkles

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Manuka honey dates back centuries to New Zealand, where it was used in ancient medicine, but today, this skin-healing sweet treat has amassed a following worldwide. Now, beauty aficionados from Langs Beach to Long Beach are using Manuka honey masks to beat their beauty woes. New Zealand’s Māori people called the Manuka bush a “treasure” after discovering the honey’s healing effects. Today, people with psoriasis and eczema use Manuka honey creams to relieve flare-ups. But now, you can add a Manuka honey face mask to your beauty routine to fight acne, aging, and more.

So read below to learn about Manuka honey’s beauty benefits. Then see five DIY Manuka honey face masks to add to your skincare routine.

Manuka Honey Benefits for Skin

Video: Manuka honey–benefits for skin by Beauty and Travel Reviews

Manuka honey offers many skin benefits, and its antiviral and antibacterial properties make it a natural healing aid. But Manuka differs from standard honey in important ways.

First, Manuka contains more enzymes and nutrients than standard honey. According to Organic Authority, these enzymes produce hydrogen peroxide, making Manuka’s antibacterial effects far stronger.

Second, Manuka differs from standard honey in its methylglyoxal (MGO) content. MGO (not GMO) gives Manuka its antibacterial effects. So, more MGO means more bacteria-fighting power—and more nutrients.

Manuka honey skin benefits and nutrients: a graphic
Manuka honey nutrients and skin benefits / BATR

Other benefits? Research suggests Manuka honey contains these nutrients:

  • B-vitamins
  • copper
  • magnesium
  • manganese
  • zinc

These nutrients hydrate skin, soothe burns and wounds, and fight acne, aging, and inflammation. Plus, Manuka is a humectant, so it draws moisture into the skin and prevents water loss.

All these actions keep your skin youthful as you age.

And that’s where a DIY Manuka honey face mask can help.

Manuka Honey Safety

Bee by Egor Kemelev from Getty Images via Canva

Manuka honey does present risks, though. According to WebMD, Manuka could raise blood sugar, cause food poisoning in young children, or cause allergic reactions in people with bee allergies.

So talk to your doctor to learn more about these risks.

DIY Manuka Honey Face Mask Recipes for Acne and Aging

Now that you know about Manuka’s benefits and risks, see these Manuka honey face mask recipes below.

jar of honey
Manuka honey for anti-acne masks by Robmen from Getty Images via Canva

DIY Manuka Honey Face Mask Recipe #1: Avocado, Yogurt, and Manuka Honey Mask (Anti-Acne/Anti-Aging)

Fight acne and aging with this soothing DIY Manuka mask. All you need is Manuka honey, avocado, argan oil, and Greek yogurt.

Avocado and argan oil nourish and hydrate your skin, while honey fights bacteria to heal acne. Plus, yogurt’s lactic acid exfoliates and softens skin, leaving your face silky.

Manuka honey for DIY mask
Manuka honey for DIY face mask by Mashuk from Getty Images via Canva

What to do: To begin, mash the avocado. Then, add a tablespoon of yogurt, two tablespoons of Manuka, one teaspoon of argan oil, and mix well. Next, apply the Manuka mask to your face and neck, wait 20 minutes, and rinse. You can also steam your face with a washcloth first to open pores.

Another beauty tip: Use Manuka alone as a face mask. Apply a thin layer to your face and neck, wait 20 minutes, and rinse. Or pair this Manuka honey mask with one of these DIY avocado beauty recipes.

mask for acne and aging
DIY Manuka mask for acne and aging/Beauty and Travel Reviews via Canva

DIY Manuka Honey Face Mask Recipe #2: Matcha-Manuka Honey Mask (Anti-Acne / Anti-Aging)

Next, whip up this DIY matcha-Manuka mask, and send your acne and wrinkles packing. All you need is a mixing bowl, matcha powder, and Manuka honey.

Manuka and matcha fight bacteria and soften fine lines, keeping your skin smooth and clear. To begin, cleanse your skin, and drape a warm washcloth over your face to open pores. Then, prepare the matcha-Manuka mask.

What to do: Mix two tablespoons of matcha powder and a tablespoon of Manuka honey. Then, apply to your face and neck, rinse after 20 minutes, and moisturize.

Use this DIY Manuka mask once per week for best results.

DIY Manuka Mask Recipe #2: Anti-Acne
DIY Manuka mask for acne and aging

More tips: Also, try these DIY matcha face mask and smoothie recipes to fight acne and aging and nourish your skin inside and out.

DIY Manuka Honey Face Mask Recipe #3: Cocoa Powder and Manuka Honey Face Mask (Anti-Acne / Anti-Aging)

Another option? Treat your skin to this DIY cocoa powder and Manuka honey face mask. It’s the perfect beauty treat to make on your next at-home spa day.

Cocoa powder contains oleic fatty acid, vitamin E, polyphenols, and zinc, which protect and soften your skin and lock in moisture. Meanwhile, Manuka honey’s nutrients calm inflammation and speed healing. All these actions control acne and aging, keeping your skin smooth and clear.

What to do: So, grab a bowl, and mix two tablespoons of cocoa powder, one tablespoon of hot (not boiling) water, and one tablespoon of Manuka honey. Then, apply to your face and neck, wait 20 minutes, and rinse.

Use this DIY Manuka mask once per week for best results.

Another beauty tip: Follow with a collagen-infused amethyst eye mask to add radiance. Also, see more DIY cocoa beauty recipes to enjoy on your next at-home spa day.

DIY Manuka face mask recipe #3: DIY cocoa powder and Manuka honey face mask recipe
DIY Manuka face mask recipe #3: Cocoa powder and Manuka honey mask for anti-aging

DIY Manuka Honey Face Mask Recipe #4: Grapeseed Oil, Oats, and Manuka Honey Face Mask and Scrub (Anti-Aging)

This next DIY Manuka honey face mask is the perfect way to perk up a dull face. All you need is a tablespoon of Manuka honey, a teaspoon of grapeseed oil, a mortar, and one tablespoon of oats.

The crushed oats gently slough off dead cells and debris to bring your fresh skin to the surface. Meanwhile, honey and grapeseed oil hydrate your skin and lock in moisture, revealing a brighter you.

What to do: First, grind the oats in a mortar. Then, add the honey and grapeseed oil, apply the mask to your face and neck, and rinse after 20 minutes. Use this mask once per week for best results.

DIY Manuka honey face mask recipe #4: Anti-aging grapeseed oil, oats, and Manuka honey mask and scrub
DIY Manuka honey face mask recipe #4: Anti-aging oats, grapeseed oil, and Manuka honey face mask and scrub/Beauty and Travel Reviews via Canva

Another beauty tip: Also, see these DIY grapeseed oil beauty recipes to boost hydration.

Or switch between this face mask and a DIY tomato face mask to double the radiance. Use each mask once per week, and you’ll see smoother, brighter skin before you know it.

DIY Manuka Honey Face Mask #5: Anti-Acne Clay and Manuka Honey Face Mask (for Oily and Acne-Prone Skin)

Next, whip up this blemish-busting DIY clay and Manuka honey face mask to control oil and balance your skin. You’ll need four tablespoons of Bentonite clay, one tablespoon of Manuka honey, and a tablespoon of lemon juice from a fresh lemon.

Bentonite clay deep cleans pores and absorbs oil, while Manuka honey fights bacteria and calms inflammation. Meanwhile, lemon juice balances skin and controls oil to help your skin heal from breakouts.

What to do: First, mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Then, apply the mask to your face and neck, and rinse after 20 minutes. Use this face mask once per week for the best results.

DIY Manuka honey face mask recipe #5: Anti-acne clay and honey mask for oily skin
Anti-acne DIY Manuka honey face mask recipe #5/Beauty and Travel Reviews via Canva

Another beauty tip: After rinsing this mask, apply a blueberry toner and an oil-free moisturizer.

Final Thoughts

Manuka makes a delicious addition to your diet and beauty regimen. The honey tackles your most stubborn skin troubles and fights acne, aging, and more. So, pour Manuka on your smoothie and add a DIY Manuka honey face mask to your beauty routine.

With regular use, your skin will look and feel brand new. Now, enjoy your new skin and check back for more beauty reviews and skincare tips.

Next, see six Mediterranean beauty products that will get you glowing this summer. Some products even double as hair treatments.

This post first appeared on Beauty and Travel Reviews. / Featured photo credit: FCA Fotodigital / iStock


31 thoughts on “DIY Manuka Honey Face Mask Recipes To Blast Acne and Wrinkles

    1. Hi,

      Yes, isn’t Manuka a great multipurpose ingredient? You can use it alone as a mask or mix it with sugar, cornmeal, yogurt—almost anything.
      I like how it’s no-fuss, so you don’t have to spend much time in the kitchen. You can use it straight out of the jar.

      Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll come check out your blog this weekend!

  1. Foreo UFO works very nicely on my skin but I need to try this mask with it. My sister might have one of these masks I can try. I’ll ask her:–))

    1. Yes, and report back if you try the mask with the UFO device because I’m curious to know how it works!

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